Youth Empowerment

Build in-country coalitions to develop national strategies addressing youth unemployment


Youth Empowerment


The Campaign Goals

  1. Develop capacity of youth to lead in-country youth employment initiatives
  2. Promote youth Participation ,employment to address key development challenges
  3. Build in-country coalitions to develop national strategies addressing youth unemployment

The RCIDC Methodology
The RCIDC Campaign strives to build the individual capacity of youth in order to create sustainable livelihoods and to establish an entrepreneurial culture where young people move toward formal employment. The RCIDC regional networks are a unique platform from which to accomplish this goal, spanning many cultures, contexts, and geographies

Our Work
RCIDC provides a platform that excites youth, engaging them in a powerful role with their government and other partners to promote entrepreneurship.
Our work is underpinned by our belief that by themselves no one person or organization can meet the goals of poverty eradication; we must work together against all odds.
In service of this approach we do the following:

  • Convene Stakeholders and build partnerships through our Global Summits and Country Workshops.
  • Knowledge Dissemination identifies and promotes replicable projects that will generate employment or enterprise development.
  • Capacity Building for all Country Networks to help set up structures that will support skill development, youth entrepreneurship education, training, mentoring and linking with finance and markets -Youth Enterprise Generators

Global Knowledge Resources
Bridge the gaps in information sharing the RCIDC Campaign, in partnership with other youth organisations,has developed a Global Knowledge Resource (GKR)on Youth Employment which  is an invaluable resource database and communication medium, where all stakeholders of youth employment can share and access innovative initiatives, useful tool kits ,and comprehensive research and publications.
The RCIDC Campaign recognizes the value of information sharing and relationship building in promoting sustainable development. A medium for sharing knowledge can be a powerful tool for youth employment and key to sustaining livelihoods. Efforts to address the challenge of youth employment are often hindered by a lack of information surrounding effective strategies, education and training programs, and opportunities for collaboration.

Build Capacity

Young people around the world are in great need of skill development and need to build their capacities to address the challenges they face in their communities. Many institutions exist around the world committed to capacity building and skills development. Urge such institutions that you may know of to work with RCIDC Country Networks to give trainings and capacity building workshops in their countries to build their support them in taking action on youth employment matters. If you know of any institution that can provide important support of any kind to the RCIDC Country Networks, please contact us.


Imagine how an idea or action plan developed by RCIDC Country Network can transform into a successful initiative. Oftentimes, the sole difference is the availability of funding or other important resources. You can help! Get in touch with different agencies that are available to you and urge them to collaborate at the country level with the RCIDC Networks. Your outreach to these institutions will help to leap-frog the development of RCIDC  Country Networks, and to strengthen the activities that they are undertaking.

Generate Discussion

One of the greatest barriers with regards to youth employment is that it is still not seen as an urgent issue that needs the commitment and engagement of stakeholders at all levels. Generating dialogue on youth employment can have a great impact in inspiring others to take action on promoting youth employment. Such dialogues can be great platforms for launching action to promote youth employment.
RCIDC for Youth Employment is a membership of diverse stakeholders including governments, NGOs, the private sector, youth organizations, and education and training institutions, who are committed to promoting youth employment. The actions that RCIDC members take to promote employment for the world’s youth will form the building blocks for the Summit and Campaign.

Share Best Practices

Do you know of a great youth employment policy, a successful program or innovative projects that are promoting sustainable livelihoods for youth? We want to know about them, as do members of the Global Alliance for Youth Employment worldwide. Share them through the RCIDC Global Knowledge Resource.
The RCIDC Campaign recognizes the value of information sharing and relationship building in promoting sustainable development. A medium for sharing knowledge can be a powerful tool for youth employment and key to sustaining livelihoods. Efforts to address the challenge of youth employment are often hindered by a lack of information surrounding effective strategies, education and training programs, and opportunities for collaboration.



RCIDC Location

  • +(256) 414 374085
  • Postal Bulding Kampala Road
  • 4th Floor P.O.Box 11236 Kampala
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